We all love to buy and wear jewelry, but did you know that some of your daily routines might be reducing its lifespan? Follow these simple dos and don’ts in your daily life and learn what you can do at home to watch your jewelry collection thrive!

- Don’t wear jewelry while housekeeping, gardening, or exercising.

-Don’t expose your jewelry to house cleaning products.

-Don’t wear your jewelry in chlorine pools and hot tubs.

Jewelry dos and donts

    -Do apply your lotions, perfumes, hair products, and cosmetics before wearing jewelry.

    -Do wide clean each jewelry piece with a soft cloth to remove oils and sweat.

    -Do keep stored in a fabric-lined box or individually wrapped to prevent scratches.


Just like most things in life, your jewelry needs check-ups regularly. What kind of minor repairs are needed for a harmonious jewelry life?

  • re-string pearls

-Have your jeweler check for worn out mountings, loose prongs and its overall condition at least once a year.
-Have your white gold pieces re-plated, platinum re-polished and prongs re-tipped in order to maintain good condition at least every two years.
-Have your regularly worn pearls restrung when you feel necessary to avoid string breaks.


How can you clean your jewelry at home while ensuring its safety?

jewelry care

-Follow any directions that may come with your jewelry.
-Never use hard or sharp objects to clean out difficult crevices, use a soft cloth.
-Never expose pearls to chemicals or solvents, keep stored in a soft bag.
-Clean jewelry often to avoid a dull appearance


Remember to treat all your jewelry as if it were an heirloom piece, so that one day it can be! When in doubt keep your jewelry away from any chemical not intended for jewelry cleaning and always use soft fibers. We hope these jewelry care tips were helpful, as we want all your jewelry to prosper!


XoXo Don Roberto